Saturday, 26 January 2019

A food processor : A first?!

This week I bought a food processor.

It was a first because it was the first major thing I bought for my mother's kitchen.

For sometime, I have been experimenting with cooking classes. I thought it might be good to go to a knife skills class and then I realised that as I don't cook fish (don't particularly like it) and am unlikely to want to dismember a chicken. What I tend to use knives for are onions, mushrooms, carrots. Yes, vegetables. Do I need a course for that? No. It was cheaper to buy a food-processor.

Why is it a first? I have bought a food processor before but this time it was for my Mother's kitchen. It was the first major purchase for her kitchen.

I have been cooking in her kitchen all my life but since she died it's been where I have been doing the bulk of the cooking as it's been no fun cooking in mine for some time. After she died it was basics as it was for my father who likes straight forward meat and potatoes whether it be fillet steak or sausages. Chicken is fine but stews are tolerated. Potatoes are preferred.

Recently things have progressed and flavour is dominant. Last time I asked, "something I wouldn't normally have". We are never going to go down the chinese, vegetarian and soup route but at least my cooking is different from ready-meals, smoked salmon & boiled eggs.

It's strange being in charge of my Mother's kitchen. I use her radio, her knives, the wonky beater. I know how to bake her apple-cake. I use puff pastry for mince pies as she did. Over the years I have made several meals there and have been responsible for Christmas lunches. We've had loads of meals there. I have cooked for dinner parties. But the kitchen is not a place for being morbid because you need it to eat. There are more ready meals and things in the freezer.

Over the last few months I have started to enjoy cooking again but baking more. I know that a food processor will be used. Gradually the kitchen is feeling more like more like my space. I got rid of things I would never use. Surprisingly getting rid of a few things, made better use of space. It's my choice of recipes. I still haven't been through her files of newspaper cuttings. 

It will never be my kitchen but I am enjoying doing my own thing and with the food processor have put my first stamp on it.

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