Tuesday, 9 July 2013

London Calling - the joy of knitting

What  is it about knitting that is so satisfying?  It's certainly not quick gratification.  You might be able to complete a sewing project in a day but there are very few significant knitting projects you could do.  I cannot get my fingers and thumbs round crochet so I couldn't comment on that one.  No, I think it is that sense of something evolving and growing as you work and watch.  It's the challenge of making a motif work whether it be lace or colourwork.  It's the joy of adapting something to make it fit.  It's the pleasure of snuggling under a blanket you have knitted.  It's a sense of pride and achievement.

That's the achievement side but there is the joy of the yarn.  The soft, silkiness of blended, the warmth and lightness of aalpaca and then the pure wool.  A contrast - a the crispness of cotton.  All with bright rich colours.

"This is London" Lillibulero plays, some emotive memories from my childhood in Brazil.  What makes your home city special?  What is it that calls to you?  Pulls on the heartstrings?  What mementos do you have?  Looking back, it is strange how knitting has come and gone as an activity but it's now back for good and a real passion.

I first learnt to knit aged 9 (?).  Unlike many it wasn't with my Mother or Grandmother.but at school.  The first things I knitted were a pair of garter stitch slippers and a solid green tank top. the slippers wore out but I still have the tanktop somewhere.

With the encouragement of my Grandmother I took up knitting again as I left school and then had fun taking it inter-railing.  I have a few sweaters from this stage of my knitting career and I found one that showed I had an early love of intarsia - didn't know it had a fancy name. I don't remember knitting it. I found another sweater in a cupboard and that demonstrated my lack of knowledge of tension. I knitted it for me but it fits my Mother who is much taller than I am perfectly!

Now we come to my current reincarnation. I work anti-social hours. it's easy to open a bottle of wine at the end of the day or send angry emails because everyone is asleep. Now I am happy for hours with my knitting!  It comes everywhere with me as I hate not looking out of windows. Now I can tell you about everything I knit and where!

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