Wednesday 9 January 2013

Knitting rather than walking?

By now I had intended to add a blog about walking but somehow or other I haven't got out there.  I could blame the weather, Christmas but the reality is that it;s been my procrastination.

The thing is that I work a lot of late nights and then it becomes a struggle to get up early enough in the Winter to get a decent walk in.  It's also easy when you know you can get a train to the start and another from the finish but when you have to factor in buses suddenly it becomes a strain.  The daft thing is that I have planned the next stage of the North Downs Way several times but still haven't done it.  I suppose that is another disadvantage of walking on your own.  The only person you let down is you!

How's the knitting?  Well one more sleeve left of my US sweater.  It's turned into a tunic.  Knitters often regard the sewing up as boring or difficult.  My Mother put it differently.  She said it was the exciting bit because now you get to see what it looks like and to get the pleasure of wearing it.  She's right.

I haven't had many conversations on buses recently about my knitting.  Reading a kindle hasn't helped!  But people smile.

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