Thursday 22 November 2012

Introducing the Diary of a Long Distance Walker

The Diary of a Long Distance Knitter?

Like travelling?  Like walking?  Like Knitting?

If you see someone resting by the side of a footpath and reading a book or a map, sketching or resting, do you think anything of it?  See someone on a train reading, on their phone or listening to their ipod, do you raise an eyebrow?  See someone knitting and you might pause for thought.

I knit all over the place.  Knitting is much lighter and more portable than a book and like a sketch book you can create while enjoying the view.

Handknits are precious things - so much time, love and swearing go into them.  I look at the ones I have completed and there are some that are well travelled and just by wearing them or looking at them there are so many memories.

The first sweater I knitted in this knitting era was knitted 4 years ago.  I wore it in a cold Paris and now think of it as my Paris sweater.  I am knitting a petrol blue sweater which progressed in the USA and when I pick it up I can hear the Amtrak siren go!

This blog is a way of recording my knitting projects and my walks and travels.  Just back from a rail trip across the US and currently half-way through the North Downs Way.   A couple of sweaters and scarves are on course and I have a feeling that a certain baby blanket might feature quite heavily.  I knitted one square when an earthquake hit Boston, followed up with the 2nd Presidential debate.  I have a feeling that this blanket will feature heavily ...

In the meantime, here's one I prepared earlier ...

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