Knitting projects - lace silk/marino scarf, deep blue sweater and yes the blanket!
A cote du Pont et a cote du Rhone |
Trains and planes do seem to be discourteous. They can be late for you but heaven help you if you are late for them!
There are so many cultural differences between the US and Europe. I was once asked if I objected to Starbucks being the dominant coffee shop. My reply - globalisation seems inevitable but bad coffee is not! On SNCF I was asked which type of bean I preferred in my coffee. That's never happened before. Incidentally, buses out of service in Augsberg, Germany say they are on a coffee break!
I didn't fall in love with Avignon the way I did with Arles two years ago. I think one of the problems was the different time of year but at the same time I was so conscious that almost every building in the old town contained a shop or restaurant. I much preferred Villeneuve de Avignon (the new town - only 14th century, a bit like New Colllege, Oxford being the 2nd oldest college there) as it felt so much more in keeping with its medieval past.
The Palais des Papes was fantastic. Large, well presented with a fascinating history. A bit cold though and I am glad that I have central heating. Le Petit Palais has an extraordinary art collection with a stunning Botticelli and while I usually l like having galleries to myself, this was intimidating. As you entered each gallery the member staff on duty watched you in case you damaged anything. All very well if you are expected to be part of the exhibit but off putting if it's only you. It left an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Knitting safely conducted in gardens and on top of one of the Palais' towers. I have started sewing up the twins' blanket. One slight problem - seem to have lost one square!